8th mobility: Erasmus + to the National Library of Norway

Dr. Zoe Gkinni, Senior Book and Paper Conservator of the National Library of Greece visited the National Library of Norway (NLN) from October 23rd to November 5th, as part of the Erasmus+ mobility programme. During this visit, Dr. Gkinni collaborated with Arthur Tennoe, Head of the Visual Media and Conservation Department and Maria Chiara Palandri and Giulia Oretti, NLN conservators, in a positive and constructive environment.

The programme’s activities, at the premises of the NLN and other large institutions in Oslo, provided the opportunity for exchange of experience and acquisition of the know-how in matters of research, conservation, exhibitions, and collections management under the scope of their preservation and presentation to the public.

Among others, Dr. Gkinni had the opportunity to learn about the Library’s research programmes and to be trained in the use of specialized research equipment. She also participated in two planned rotation actions for the ongoing exhibitions and discussed the management of related actions by the Conservation Department and the way exhibitions are communicated to the public. The NLN Map Center has a dual character, combining the exhibition of the map collection and a study room with reference publications available to the public.

Moreover, Dr. Gkinni visited the conservation studios and the exhibitions at the National Museum of Norway and the Munch Museum and collaborated with employees to learn about their facilities and activities. In addition, she visited the new Deichman Bjørvika Library. This particular Library, with a plurality of actions and services for the public, stands as an important example of an institution open to all members of society and their needs, with an emphasis on adult education activities, such as language cafés etc.

Finally, as part of her visit, Dr. Gkinni presented the work and actions of the Conservation Laboratory of the National Library of Greece to employees of the National Library of Norway.