7th mobility: Visit of Experts from the Berlin State Library to the Department of Manuscripts and Facsimiles

From the 6th to the 16th of October, employees from the Department of Manuscripts and Historical Publications of the Berlin State Library visited the National Library of Greece on the occasion of the Erasmus+ mobility programme. Dr Monika Lindel, head of the Archives and Art Collections, and Immanuel Reisinger, cataloger of historical journals, were shown around the buildings of the NLG and informed about its activities and policies.

They exchanged best practices with employees of both the Manuscript and Facsimiles Department as well as other departments of the NLG on the management of archival collections and their use for educational purposes towards the public, the organization of exhibitions and the cataloguing of historical periodicals.

In the framework of their visit, the colleagues visited the German Archaeological Institute as well as the Laskaridis Foundation.