Grey Literature: Scholarly Communication in a Digital World
The Internet has dramatically altered how grey literature is defined. The importance, the availability, the access, and the types of grey literature have significantly increased since the days of keeping pamphlets and newspaper clippings in a vertical file. Deciding if a resource is commercially published or if it is grey literature has become more complex and requires judgement. Knowledge of a field of study is helpful in knowing where to find or to gain insight into grey literature. This day-long meeting will address how libraries and others are meeting the challenges of grey literature. It will explore strategies for discovering and identifying grey literature; managing both the grey literature and its metadata; and ensuring the long term preservation of grey literature.
Please join us for an exploration of grey literature: its scope in the digital age; how repositories are managing it; and how it be being made discoverable and accessible to users. The program will include a mixture of presentations and breakout discussions, encouraging a productive conversation not merely between the various presenters but with all the attendees.
Date and Time
Fri, August 23, 2019
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM EEST
National Library of Greece
172 Pisistratou
176 74 Kallithea
Refund Policy
No Refunds
Κόστος: 25€