Erasmus+ week at the Cataloging Department

Stefano Bargioni, delegate from Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche and deputy director of the library of the Pontificia Universita della Santa Croce, and Camillo Carlo Pellizzari di San Girolamo, PhD candidate at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia in Pisa, both experts in Koha management and. the use of Wikidata have been invited from the 22nd to the 26th May 2023 to provide training at the Cataloging Dpt of the National Library of Greece.

On the occasion of the Erasmus+ week and the presence of the Italian experts, the NLG organised on the 22nd and 23rd of May 2023 a national meeting entitled “Towards a new national policy on bibliographic processing with linked data”. In this meeting, the Italian guests participated with presentations on topics related to error and duplicate detection in Wikidata and useful tools that can be added to Koha, making search and navigation to the library´s e-resources easier for its users.

The meeting was attended by more than 200 people from all over the country, which reinforces the value of such future initiatives.