Erasmus+ Staff Mobility (2022-2023)
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility project of the National Library of Greece.
Co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU, the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility project’s goal is to provide opportunities for cross-border exchange and networking between library staff across National Libraries and cultural institutions of Europe.
By exchanging best practices across borders and empowering library staff to develop their expertise, the project aims to increase the quality of adult education in National Libraries and to support the social inclusion of disadvantaged groups.
1st mobility: Balkan Heritage Foundation, Bulgaria
2nd mobility: Erasmus+ week at the Cataloging Department
3rd mobility: Erasmus + KA121 – Educational Programs
4th mobility: Training Course- Europass Teacher Academy Finland, Helsinki
5th mobility: Erasmus+ to the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
6th mobility: Erasmus+ at the Communication and Events team
8th mobility: Erasmus + to the National Library of Norway
9th mobility: Erasmus+ to the Univerisity Library of Koç in Istanbul